Saturday, December 13, 2008

16 Days and Counting

Hey Everyone-
Are we all as excited as I am right now?
I hope and pray so. I pray that everyone is feeling peace about this trip. That everyone is healthy physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I pray for us as a group, that we as strangers will find peace with one another during this life changing trip. May we get along like we have been friends for years. May there be days of laughter, comfort, and strength, and the ability and desire to all get along in a land we are unfamiliar with. I pray we will stick together as a family of 6 on this trip. I pray for our family and friends, that they will have peace about us going on foreign soil, that they will put us and the residents of Mitumba Slum in their prayers daily now and while we are away. I pray for our flights, that they are as smooth as possible, that customs will be our friend and not an enemy after our long flights. Let us be embraced by the people of Kenya. I pray that our eyes will be opened to the Will of God! I pray for you Chad, for you Amy, for you Kristi, for you Kim, for you Jim, and for myself.
The Visas have been shipped off, along with every one's pictures! My pictures are pretty bad, I don't know about the rest of yours.
The hotel in CAIRO has officially been booked, along with our rides to and from the airport. We will be waking up in the morning and walking to the pyramids, we are that close to the Pyramids of Giza, and the Sphinx.
Keep in mind when packing to pack light, go through the check list, check it twice, and we will see who has been naughty or nice :p Do not over pack! I will admit I have a problem doing this myself. No curling irons, hair dryers, ironing boards, stiletto heals, none of that!!! Amy and I were going to concoct a plan on how to bring our was a no go though :(
I am packing a ton of scrubs to wear, and yes Chad, I have some for you too! They are light weight, easy to clean, and great to wear on the days we have the clinic work. Kristi is thinking about cutting some into shorts.... I will bring a couple of "normal" outfits to wear on the days we are out and about.
Take care my new friends....
Keep the Faith-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks, April. I couldn't have said it better :)