Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Money Money Money-MONEY

Hey there team members-
How is everyone doing? I hope your support letter have gone out, and you are getting support from your family and friends! It certainly makes it a lot easier for us to go over seas!
The first deposit to buy our tickets is due OCTOBER 25th, in a few short weeks. So mail those checks out soon.
I am so excited the airline tickets are going to be bought soon. It make this feel to surreal.
Until later.
Keep the Faith-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

well...this is sort of why i was freaking out a little!
i talked to chad via email about a month ago and he said that once we had finalized who was going a field guide would be sent out about money and everything we needed to prepare...these couple of posts are the only responses i have gotten about anything :/
i didn't know anything about a deposit for tickets, where exactly to send support money, etc.
could you please call me at your convenience, April?