Wednesday, November 5, 2008

50 days +/-

How are you doing? How are the fundraisers coming along? I know some people have all of their money in already and that is amazing! Praise God for all of that! It's it amazing to see how God is working for all of us to go on this trip. I personally have been excited about the this trip and have felt complete peace since the day I told Chad I wanted to go to Kenya. I know God has a plan for each and everyone of us; as a group and as individuals.
Are any of you able to get grants from your work to go on a Medical Mission Trip? I was fortunate enough to have my hospital pay the last portion of my amount. I am still having a bake sale/Mitumba merchandise/raffle sale at work. I am taking the money and having it 100% go towards Mitumba. I am still feeling compelled to help above and beyond the amount that is due for my own purpose. The Applebee's breakfast Fundraiser is going 100% towards the new orphanage. We will see when we arrive what is needed most for the children and the adults living there. We have to go with open hearts and open minds.
Having met with Chad again this weekend, and with Kristi in another town, was really exciting to me. (This was my third road trip in the month of October and I am done traveling until we leave in December) I know some of us have never met each other and only communicated via email or facebook (givin' Amy a shout out!) but just know that I have been praying for each and everyone of us as individuals and as a team and family. We are going to Mitumba with the same mindset.....We are there to help them grow and thrive spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. We are a blessed few that are able and willing to step out of our comfort zones and walk in the unknown and not be freaked out. I am not worrying about this trip, and it is not because I am cocky or self centered, but rather because I know that God has our back in this trip and these plans.
We are all doing what we are called to do....have peace about your decisions and this trip!
Is there anything you guys would like all of us to pray for? We can start a mini-prayer chain here on the site, please feel free to share.
Keep the Faith-


Unknown said...

I'm really excited too! that's amazing you were able to get a grant :)

I am so excited about what we are going to be doing, but know that we will learn/grow so much in those couple of weeks as they will teach/give us so much in return!

April, I have been asked by some of my supporters what exactly we will be doing medicically? I know some of it will probably be figured out when we get there and see what the need is, but as far as basic medical care goes- what does that mean? just curious!

Looking forward to the adventure with all of you!

April said...

What we will be doing!
*Helping out/visiting the REM School.
*Having a (mini) eye glasses clinic. We have 350 pairs of eye glasses that we are bring with us, possibly more if there is room. We are going to put them inside the shoes we are bringing! We are bringing some material for the residents to look at in order to have them recognize/realize how good the glasses are and if they are a good fit (literally) and functionally.
*Handing out Prescription meds since most of the kids already have scripts, they just don't have the money to buy their abx. We will supply them with the quantities once they show us their paperwork/scrpits from the Doc. These kids have been getting Augmentin,zithromax, and other abx in the past. We have a Dr. in the US who has written out a guide for Kristi and us to follow to give the kids and adults medications there in Mitumba.
*Handing out OTC meds, which we will be buying there since we just found out it would be cheaper to do so. Things like cough syrup, apap, asa, bacitracin, etc.
*I am working with an Infectious Disease Doc at work about getting reading material about AIDS and the precautions and transmission from/with this disease. The people of Mitumba do read and speak English (those that were fortunate enough to have an education). So the reading material will be helpful.
*We may try to have a mini health assessment area where we can evaluate people and this is where we could take BP, and look them over and give them some apap if they are having pain.
*Chad has been talking with an MD from Nairobi to see if he could stop by while we are there and help us. This has not been finalized at this point in time.

These are just a few of the medical things we have planned.

We have to flexible with the days and the agendas we have planned. It will be such a culture shock for most of us and we just have to be willing and able to help once we establish a post.

Let me know if you have any more questions!